Sunday, January 20, 2008

Web 2.0

Wow this video is reiterating about everything that everyone has said about computers. That computers are taking over the world. This is true and it is a good thing. It bothers me when people talk bad about computers and say that they are causing too much dependency and change. Computers mean more to our civilization and how the world works than gravity. This video shows how you can do so much with computers and view so much information without a lot of hassle. It is talking about how it links people from around the world and spreads ideas. For example, I saw a button at the top of my screen that said next blog and was wondering what it was. I clicked it about four times and each time it came up to a blog that was in another language from someone in another country. This shows you that the internet is a place for people to get away and share their thoughts and more over cables and satellites. Anyone who is going into a workforce that has anything to do with technology needs to have some knowledge of Web 2.0. Computers aren't going anywhere, so those dealing with or about to be dealing with computes need to wake up and be prepared. Rethink Everything A.K.A. Learn

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